linux 十大发行版_2020年十大最佳Linux发行版
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linux 十大发行版

If you’re new to Linux and are wondering what are the best Linux distros in 2020, you’re reading the right article. In a moment, we’ll list out Linux distributions that we found are really good and have gained more traction in the past few days of the year 2020.

如果您是Linux的新手,并且想知道2020年最好的Linux发行版,那么您正在阅读正确的文章。 稍后,我们将列出我们发现确实不错的Linux发行版,并在2020年的过去几天中获得了更大的关注。

最佳Linux发行版2020-快速摘要列表(Best Linux Distros 2020 – A Quick Summarized List:)

  1. Best Linux distro, lightweight, and really easy to use – MX Linux – Debian and antiX-based

    最佳的Linux发行版,轻巧且真正易于使用– MX Linux –基于Debian和antiX的
  2. User-friendly Linux distro, similar to Windows, and lightweight – Linux Mint – Ubuntu and Debian-based

    用户友好的Linux发行版,类似于Windows,并且轻巧-Linux Mint-基于Ubuntu和Debian的
  3. Best Linux distro, extremely easy to use for first-time users. One of the top Linux distros in 2020 for beginners – Ubuntu

    最佳Linux发行版,对于首次使用的用户来说非常容易使用。 2020年面向初学者的顶级Linux发行版之一-Ubuntu
  4. Best Mac OSX look-a-like Linux distro, and a very pretty looking Linux distro – Elementary OS – Debian-based

    最佳Mac OSX相似的Linux发行版,以及外观非常漂亮的Linux发行版– 基本操作系统 –基于Debian
  5. Best Linux distro, built to be lightweight and has only essential packages added – Manjaro Linux – Arch Linux-based

    最佳Linux发行版,构建为轻量级,仅添加了必需的软件包– Manjaro Linux –基于Arch Linux
  6. Best Windows look-a-like Linux distro, made with the first time Linux user in mind – Zorin OS – Debian-based

    最佳Windows外观Linux发行版,考虑到首次使用Linux的用户– Zorin OS –基于Debian
  7. Best community-built Linux distro with no other OS base, designed to be cutting-edge in terms of software technology. – Fedora – Independent

    最好的社区构建的Linux发行版,没有其他操作系统基础,旨在在软件技术方面处于领先地位。 – Fedora –独立
  8. Best Linux distro built from scratch designed to be very stable – Debian – Independent

    从头开始构建的最佳Linux发行版,设计得非常稳定– Debian –独立
  9. Best Linux for Enterprises – CentOS – Based on Fedora and Red Hat

    基于Fedora和Red Hat的企业最佳Linux – CentOS
  10. Top Linux distro made for Pentesters – Kali Linux – Debian-based

    面向Pentesters的顶级Linux发行版– Kali Linux –基于Debian

什么是Linux发行版? (What Is A Linux Distro?)

Windows and Mac OS X are built in-house by the companies that sell them. Linux is different in this case. Being an open-source operating system, it opens up room for anyone with a desire to create their own OS to actually do so without a lot of programming knowledge.

Windows和Mac OS X由销售它们的公司内部构建。 Linux在这种情况下有所不同。 作为一个开源操作系统,它为任何希望创建自己的OS的人打开了空间,而他们实际上不需要很多编程知识就能创建自己的OS。

Whenever someone creates their own version of Linux with the use of an existing Linux distro as their base (or create one without a base by using the Linux kernel code), the complete package is called a Linux distribution.


如何选择2020年最佳Linux发行版? (How to Choose The Best Linux Distros in 2020?)

Now, to say the least, there really is no best Linux distro because when you work with the Linux operating system for long enough, you learn to customize everything as per your liking. So on the UI side of things, any Linux distro can look and behave like any other Linux distro when configured to do so.

至少可以说,现在确实没有最好的Linux发行版,因为当您在Linux操作系统上使用了足够长的时间时,您将学习根据自己的喜好自定义所有内容。 因此,从用户界面的角度来看,任何Linux发行版在配置后都可以像其他任何Linux发行版一样外观和行为。

So to answer the question, choose any Linux distro that you feel comfortable with at the moment. After a while of using it, you’ll anyway figure out how to configure it to your likings.

因此,要回答这个问题,请选择您目前喜欢的任何Linux发行版。 经过一段时间的使用,您仍然会想出如何根据自己的喜好进行配置的方法。

2020年最佳Linux发行版 (The Best Linux Distros 2020)

Let’s get down to the list of the best Linux distros and what makes them better than the others. Now as we previously mentioned, all of the configurations that were achieved by any of the distributions in the list below can be achieved on any other distribution. So we’re working with their out-of-the-box experiences.

让我们来看看最佳Linux发行版的列表,以及使它们比其他发行版更好的原因。 现在,正如我们前面提到的,通过以下列表中的任何发行版实现的所有配置都可以在任何其他发行版上实现。 因此,我们正在使用他们的即用型体验。

#1 MX Linux (#1 MX Linux)

MX Linux best linux distros 2020
MX Linux Screenshot
MX Linux屏幕截图

We loved MX Linux because it’s fully set up out of the box. But unlike Ubuntu, MX Linux is set up with all that a beginner user would need while keeping the UI very simple, clean, and lightweight.

我们喜欢MX Linux,因为它是完全可用的。 但是与Ubuntu不同, MX Linux设置了初学者用户所需的全部功能,同时保持UI非常简单,干净和轻便。

MX Linux is based on Debian’s Stable branch and uses XFCE as it’s default desktop environment (UI).

MX Linux基于Debian的Stable分支,并使用XFCE作为其默认桌面环境(UI)。



#2 Linux Mint (#2 Linux Mint)

Linux Mint top 10 best linux distributions in 2020
Linux Mint Screenshots
Linux Mint屏幕截图

Linux Mint is a behemoth! The Goliath in the world of Linux distributions. Similar to Ubuntu, Linux Mint took off very quickly when it was first launched.

Linux Mint是一个庞然大物! Linux发行版中的Goliath。 与Ubuntu相似,Linux Mint在首次启动时Swift起飞。

Linux Mint focused not just on ease of use but also focused on adding many convenient tools for their users. Along with that, they offered a lightweight desktop environment.

Linux Mint不仅着眼于易用性,还着重于为用户提供许多方便的工具。 除此之外,他们还提供了一个轻量级的桌面环境。

So, people who wanted their Linux to be fast on lower-end systems, Linux Mint became the choice of distro.

因此,想要Linux在低端系统上快速运行的人,Linux Mint成为发行版的选择。

This distro is based on Ubuntu-Debian, so it is compatible with the repositories of both the distros.




#3 Ubuntu (#3 Ubuntu)

Ubuntu Linux Screenshot
Ubuntu Linux Screenshot
Ubuntu Linux屏幕截图

You’ll hear about Ubuntu even before you’ve thought of trying Linux. And obviously so because Ubuntu was the first distribution that worked really hard to make itself stand out in the Linux distribution crowd when it all started.

您甚至在想尝试Linux之前就已经听说过Ubuntu。 显然是因为Ubuntu是第一个真正努力工作的发行版,当它全部启动时,它就使其在Linux发行版人群中脱颖而出。

Ubuntu made Linux accessible to the entire world by making it so easy to use, that a person who had never seen Linux would be able to use it pretty much right away.


As they progressed, they added more and more features to their OS, also tried to launch a Ubuntu TV, but it all ended up making Ubuntu desktop really heavy on the resources and slowing things. Other distributions capitalized on this opportunity and picked up where Ubuntu left things off.

随着他们的进步,他们在自己的操作系统中添加了越来越多的功能,还试图启动Ubuntu TV,但这一切最终使Ubuntu台式机真正占用了大量资源并减慢了运行速度。 其他发行版则利用了这一机会,并从Ubuntu遗漏的地方得到了帮助。

Ubuntu is a Debian-based distribution.



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#4基本操作系统 (#4 Elementary OS)

Elementary Os Screenshot 1
Elementary Os Screenshot 1

This is by far the most beautiful Linux distribution that we came across. Inspired by the Mac OS, it has a dock at the bottom and the menus at the top of the screen.

这是迄今为止我们遇到的最漂亮的Linux发行版。 受Mac OS的启发,它的底部有一个底座,屏幕顶部是菜单。

The entire UI is very slick. If all you want is a beautiful OS, Elementary OS is the way to go.

整个用户界面非常漂亮。 如果您想要的只是一个漂亮的OS,那么基本的OS是必经之路。

Obviously, since it’s Debian based, you’re not going to lack functionality or packages. The only issue you’d face from time to time is that there are packages that just don’t adjust to the distribution’s theme. So you will always have some packages that look odd when opened.

显然,由于它是基于Debian的,因此您不会缺少功能或软件包。 您不时要面对的唯一问题是有些软件包无法适应发行版的主题。 因此,您总是会有一些打开后看起来有些奇怪的软件包。



#5 Manjaro Linux (#5 Manjaro Linux)

Manjaro Linux Screenshot
Manjaro Linux Screenshot
Manjaro Linux屏幕截图

Manjaro Linux is an Arch Linux-based distribution. Arch was also built to be more up-to-date than Debian with a repository that makes cutting edge software to be available.

Manjaro Linux是基于Arch Linux的发行版。 与Debian相比,Arch还具有最新的版本,并带有一个使尖端软件可用的存储库。

Compared to Debian, the one major difference between Arch-based operating systems is their leanness. Debian, in an effort to make things easy for the user, installs a bunch of “recommended” packages when you try to install any package from their repositories.

与Debian相比,基于Arch的操作系统之间的主要区别之一是它们的精简性。 为了使用户易于使用,Debian在您尝试从其存储库安装任何软件包时会安装一堆“推荐”软件包。

With Arch Linux, when you’re installing a package, you get exactly that and a few of the dependencies which are resolved by its package manager, Pacman.

使用Arch Linux,当您安装软件包时,您将获得确切的信息以及由软件包管理器Pacman解析的一些依赖项。

So if you’re into lean systems, and want to build yourself a computer with a really lean and fast operating system, Arch Linux-based Manjaro is the way to go.

因此,如果您正在使用精益系统,并且想要使用真正精益和快速的操作系统来构建自己的计算机,那么基于Arch Linux的Manjaro就是您的最佳选择。



#6 Zorin操作系统 (#6 Zorin OS)

Zorin Os Screenshot
Zorin Os Screenshot
Zorin Os屏幕截图

If you’re coming from Windows, and have never used Linux before, Zorin takes away a huge load of the learning curve for you. See the screenshot above. What do you notice?

如果您来自Windows,并且以前从未使用过Linux,那么Zorin可以为您节省大量学习时间。 参见上面的截图。 你注意到了什么?

It’s exactly like Windows. Well, a much more beautiful version of Windows. Based on Ubuntu, it is as accessible as Linux can be. So if you’re looking for a Linux distro that can help you minimize the learning curve of coming from Windows, this is what you should start with.

就像Windows。 好吧,Windows的版本要漂亮得多。 它基于Ubuntu,与Linux一样易于访问。 因此,如果您正在寻找可以帮助您最大程度地减少来自Windows的学习曲线的Linux发行版,那么您应该从这里开始。



#7 Fedora (#7 Fedora)

Fedora Linux Screenshots
Fedora Linux Screenshots
Fedora Linux屏幕截图

Fedora is not based on any other Linux distribution and has been built by its community entirely from scratch. In fact, if you’re a developer, you can contribute to the distribution too.

Fedora不基于任何其他Linux发行版,并且由其社区完全从头开始构建。 实际上,如果您是开发人员,则也可以为发行版做出贡献。

What makes Fedora so special is its community support. The community is very responsive and you can get answers to your question pretty quickly on there.

Fedora之所以如此特别,是因为其社区的支持。 社区React非常快,您可以在那里很快找到问题的答案。

Since it’s built by developers, their focus was on creating an OS that will have a really cutting edge software repository. A package which is still unavailable in other distributions will be compiled and ready for Fedora irrespective of the fact if it’s stable or not.

由于它是由开发人员构建的,因此他们的重点是创建具有真正前沿软件存储库的OS。 无论其他发行版是否稳定,都会编译该软件包并准备好供Fedora使用。

If you love the latest and the greatest and are okay with a few bugs in downloaded packages from time to time, Fedora is your abode.




#8 Debian (#8 Debian)

Debian Screenshot
Debian Screenshot

Debian, CentOS, and Red Hat powers the internet around the world. As per statistics, more than 96% of the web servers, cloud hosts, and websites, are powered by Linux.

Debian,CentOS和Red Hat为世界各地的互联网提供动力。 根据统计,超过96%的Web服务器,云主机和网站均由Linux提供支持。

But Debian wasn’t built to be userfriendly or to offer a quick and easy out of the box experience. When you download and run live Debian, all you get is a black terminal screen with a prompt at the top left of your screen.

但是Debian并不是为用户友好而设计的,也不是为了提供快速便捷的即装即用体验。 当您下载并运行实时Debian时,所得到的只是一个黑色的终端屏幕,在屏幕的左上方有一个提示。

Unlike the pre-built distributions that we saw before, Debian allows you a more do-it-yourself experience. You choose the packages that you want to install, the desktop environment that you want, and any additions that you want to the OS.

与我们之前看到的预构建发行版不同,Debian为您提供了更多的自助体验。 您可以选择要安装的软件包,所需的桌面环境以及对操作系统的所有添加。

You can think of Debian as stock Android. MIUI, eUI, and Samsung UI are built on stock Android. These UIs created by companies for their phones can be compared with the Linux distributions which are built on Debian.

您可以将Debian视为普通的Android。 MIUI,eUI和Samsung UI是基于现有的Android构建的。 公司为手机创建的这些UI可以与基于Debian构建的Linux发行版进行比较。

If you want an extremely stable operating system that you wish to build from scratch, Debian is your answer.




#9 CentOS (#9 CentOS)

Centos linux distros 2020
Centos Screenshot

Based on Fedora and Red-Hat, CentOS creates a stable server system that can be used by organizations that want a strong server distribution without the high costs involved.


CentOS is built by the community, just like Fedora and offers highly tested packages for download. Similar to Debian, it’s very unlikely for someone to break this OS just because they downloaded something from the package manager.

CentOS与Fedora一样由社区构建,并提供经过测试的软件包供下载。 与Debian相似,有人不太可能仅仅因为他们从软件包管理器中下载了某些东西就破坏了该操作系统。

CentOS is the right fit if you want to build a server but don’t want to use the apt package manager.




#10 Kali Linux (#10 Kali Linux)

Kali linux best linux distro for cybersecurity
Kali Linux Screenshot
Kali Linux屏幕截图

This distribution is not a daily driver. Instead, Kali focuses on working in a live persistent environment with just about every tool that a cybersecurity enthusiast would want.

此发行版不是日常驱动程序。 相反,Kali专注于使用网络安全爱好者想要的几乎所有工具,在持续存在的实时环境中工作。

Based on Debian, this distribution is stable as well as very easy to use.


If you’re interested in cybersecurity or penetration testing, this distribution will provide you with a complete environment for that purpose. You can focus on learning how to use the tools without worrying about installing them or setting them up.

如果您对网络安全或渗透测试感兴趣,则此发行版将为此目的提供完整的环境。 您可以专注于学习如何使用这些工具,而不必担心安装或设置它们。



结论 (Conclusion)

So as we mentioned before, there is no best distribution. We say this because if you know how to install packages using the package manager in a distribution, you can change any distribution and make it look like any other.

因此,正如我们之前提到的,没有最佳的分布。 我们之所以这样说,是因为如果您知道如何使用发行版中的软件包管理器来安装软件包,则可以更改任何发行版并使它看起来像其他发行版一样。

But as a beginner, a fully finished environment is an easier start. Based on what you want a Linux OS for, you can choose from one of the above and start your learning from thereon.

但是,对于初学者而言,完全完成的环境是一个较轻松的开始。 根据您想要Linux OS的用途,您可以从以上任一选项中进行选择并从中开始学习。


linux 十大发行版


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